Yakima Fly Fishers' Association September Chapter Meeting
The June YFFA / TU#094 Chapter Meeting will be held on September 21, 7:00 pm at Magic's Pizza in Selah, WA.
Local author Dennis Dauble will be the evening's special guest.
Dennis Dauble will take you on a tour of trout streams that flow from the Blues Mountains of eastern Washington and Oregon “like spokes on a wheel.” While he favors his home stream, the South Fork of the Walla Walla River, he has a cabin located in the upper Umatilla River canyon. He’ll also talk about angling opportunities in the Tucannon, Touchet, Wenaha, and John Day Rivers, and Lookingglass Creek. For those who prefer still water, there’s Jubilee and Indian Lake.
Dauble is a retired fisheries scientist turned outdoor writer. He will bring copies of his books about fish and fishing for sale at a discount to club members. Learn more at his website DennisDaubleBooks.com.