Washington Council of Trout Unlimited In-person & Hybrid State Meeting
Leaders, please join us for the WCTU March State Meeting.
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
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Sat, Mar 23 - 04:30 PM
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Water Gardens Clubhouse - Maple Valley
21808 SE 275th St
Maple Valley,
Washington State Council Meeting - Saturday March 23, 2024 in person/hybrid. This is our Spring meeting to pass the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget, so leaders please plan on attending. Volunteer leaders from every chapter and the council are encouraged to attend as our bylaws require 50% of chapters voting to meet the required quorum for passing our budget.
Chapter leaders, if you cannot make this meeting please appoint two delegates to represent your chapter to vote on our upcoming budget and other important issues.
For in-person we will serve coffee and water with breakfast snacks and lunch.
Registration (tickets) are FREE, but you do need to sign-up for accurate lunch head count if attending in person.
Meeting will also be Hybrid, if you plan to attend remotely here is the Google Meet link:
If you are attending in-person here are some more details:
Water Gardens Clubhouse - 21808 SE 275th St, Maple Valley, WA
Enter via Front gate which is North off of SE 276th St (If coming from the east Witte Rd turns into SE 276th St)
Gate will be open from 8:15-10:15am - if arriving later or gates are closed here is the Code: #4075
Parking is available at the clubhouse and along side streets on the sidewalk side ONLY.
If you have difficulty finding the location please call Penny Mabie @206-715-4342
Chapters will give an update on what they are doing; and council committee chairs with budgets will also give updates on Conservation and upcoming BAT events, White Salmon Spawning Survey Program, Service Partnership, DEI, and Advocacy programs and website update for 2024-2025.
Guest staff speakers will be - Elizabeth Mackey talking about Snoquera project and Alexei Calambokidis talking about Legislative Day.
Chapter leaders, if you cannot make this meeting please appoint two delegates to represent your chapter to vote on our upcoming budget and other important issues.
For in-person we will serve coffee and water with breakfast snacks and lunch.
Registration (tickets) are FREE, but you do need to sign-up for accurate lunch head count if attending in person.
Meeting will also be Hybrid, if you plan to attend remotely here is the Google Meet link:
(US) +1 530-770-2079 PIN: 875 745 471#
If you are attending in-person here are some more details:
Water Gardens Clubhouse - 21808 SE 275th St, Maple Valley, WA
Enter via Front gate which is North off of SE 276th St (If coming from the east Witte Rd turns into SE 276th St)
Gate will be open from 8:15-10:15am - if arriving later or gates are closed here is the Code: #4075
Parking is available at the clubhouse and along side streets on the sidewalk side ONLY.
If you have difficulty finding the location please call Penny Mabie @206-715-4342
Chapters will give an update on what they are doing; and council committee chairs with budgets will also give updates on Conservation and upcoming BAT events, White Salmon Spawning Survey Program, Service Partnership, DEI, and Advocacy programs and website update for 2024-2025.
Guest staff speakers will be - Elizabeth Mackey talking about Snoquera project and Alexei Calambokidis talking about Legislative Day.
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