STREAM Keepers
Join PFBC and PATU's Donegal Chapter for their fun, outdoors STREAM Keepers event!
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Tue, Jun 07 - 11:00 AM
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Come enjoy the outdoors with us!
Every person is a citizen of their watershed, and PA Fish and Boat Commission has partnered with the PA Council of Trout Unlimited and the Donegal Chapter, along with other local partners, to show what that means to us.
Bring your kids to Lancaster Central Park on June 7th for a fun program that will introduce them to streams, fishing, and boating safety! This program will offer opportunities for families who speak English and Spanish.
STREAM stands for Science, Technology, Recreation, Engineering, Arts, and Math. It also is a running body of water!
By visiting a local stream and having the opportunity to observe it as scientists, anglers, and artists, children will get the complete picture of what their stream could mean to them.
Registered participants will receive:
• A hemp bracelet that they will place colored beads on. Different color bead for each station they visit. The station instructor will give them a bead once they complete the station.
• STREAM Keepers booklet in English/Spanish by choice of the participant
• PA Fishes Poster and Fish ID Guide
Over the course of multiple stations, children and their family, will observe a stream, sample macroinvertebrates (aka aquatic bugs), learn about fly tying, learn about boating and paddling safety, and practice casting a fly rod and/or bait rod, and identify types of PA fish. At each station, the children will explore their natural surroundings and record their thoughts, feelings, and observations in their handbooks.
The children and their families will explore the following stations in 30-minute rotations during the event:
1. STREAM Walk
2. Practice casting a fly rod and/or bait rod, and identify types of PA fish
3. Macroinvertebrate survey
4. Fly tying
5. Knot-tying
6. Boating and Paddling Safety
Space is limited, pre-registration is suggested. We will take walk-ups the day of the event.
Click here to register!
El 7 de junio los invitamos a venir al Lancaster Central Park para disfrutar de un día al aire libre junto a sus hijos, aprendiendo a pescar, aprendiendo sobre nuestros arroyos y aprendiendo a estar seguros en un bote. El evento va a ser en inglés y en español y el espacio es limitado. Para registrarse haga clic en este enlace.
By visiting a local stream and having the opportunity to observe it as scientists, anglers, and artists, children will get the complete picture of what their stream could mean to them.
Registered participants will receive:
• A hemp bracelet that they will place colored beads on. Different color bead for each station they visit. The station instructor will give them a bead once they complete the station.
• STREAM Keepers booklet in English/Spanish by choice of the participant
• PA Fishes Poster and Fish ID Guide
Over the course of multiple stations, children and their family, will observe a stream, sample macroinvertebrates (aka aquatic bugs), learn about fly tying, learn about boating and paddling safety, and practice casting a fly rod and/or bait rod, and identify types of PA fish. At each station, the children will explore their natural surroundings and record their thoughts, feelings, and observations in their handbooks.
The children and their families will explore the following stations in 30-minute rotations during the event:
1. STREAM Walk
2. Practice casting a fly rod and/or bait rod, and identify types of PA fish
3. Macroinvertebrate survey
4. Fly tying
5. Knot-tying
6. Boating and Paddling Safety
Space is limited, pre-registration is suggested. We will take walk-ups the day of the event.
Click here to register!
El 7 de junio los invitamos a venir al Lancaster Central Park para disfrutar de un día al aire libre junto a sus hijos, aprendiendo a pescar, aprendiendo sobre nuestros arroyos y aprendiendo a estar seguros en un bote. El evento va a ser en inglés y en español y el espacio es limitado. Para registrarse haga clic en este enlace.
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