Spokane River Scavenger Hunt
What is the Spokane River Scavenger Hunt?
It’s a scavenger hunt with a fly rod! This is a free and fun fly fishing adventure where you have the chance to experience and learn more about fishing on the Spokane River and the opportunities to catch fish right here in the city! It’s also a chance to hang out with other anglers and learn how to fly fish or help someone get into fly fishing.
The Spokane River Scavenger Hunt is open to anyone and all skill levels whether you are brand new to fly fishing or very experienced. It is a one-day event where participants will pair up in teams of two anglers and explore the Spokane River together with the goal of catching different species of fish and completing other objectives along the way.
To provide a little incentive for participants, the winner of the scavenger hunt will receive a free guided fly fishing trip down the Spokane River with local fly fishing instructor and guide, Marc Fryt (from FlyFishSpokane.com).
When and Where
The scavenger hunt will take place on Saturday, September 14th. All participants will meet at 8:00am at the Riverfront Park Clocktower.
Once the event starts, anglers can only fish along the Spokane River between the Washington-Idaho border to the boat ramp at the Spokane Wastewater Treatment Plant. Fly fishing in Idaho or downstream of the boat ramp is out-of-bounds.
Participants must be back at the Clocktower by 4:00pm.
Signing Up for the Event
Participants will be in teams of two anglers. You can sign up as a team or as an individual. Individuals will be paired with another fly fisher ahead of the event.
To sign up, email Marc@SpokaneFallsTU.org