Q1 Quarterly Chapter Meeting
Q1 Quarterly Chapter Meeting
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This event ended
Wed, Feb 22 - 07:30 PM
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Spokane Falls Trout Unlimited CHAPTER Meetings are BACK! Thanks to the wonderful feedback from everyone, we are starting back up with chapter meetings on a quarterly basis. The first of these will be Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at The Hive on E Sprague Ave from 5:30pm-7:30pm. TU member and non-members alike are welcome! Bring a friend or three! Learn about the latest happenings here in your local TU chapter and connect with old and new friends alike.
*We will move to Union Tavern (1914 E Sprague Ave.) after the meeting conclusion from 7:30-9pm for additional social time. Union serves food and drinks.*
The theme for the Q1 meeting will be CONSERVATION. Conservation is the heart and soul of our organization and we want to kick things off by highlighting our local conservation projects and updating our membership (YOU!) on what's happening and where those projects are headed. You will also hear from our board, committee, and advisory members about some exciting events we have planned for 2023 as well as some announcements about the National TU CX3 event we are hosting here in Spokane in September/October 2023. There will be opportunities to start the process of becoming more involved and learn about possible volunteer opportunities for the coming year.
We can't wait to see you all! Please help spread the word in our local community and help us bring everyone back together in the name of cold water, conservation, and community! See you February 22nd!
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