PSWOTF Oct 28 Outing - Searun Cutthroat
PSWOTF - Fly fishing for SeaRun Cutthroat Trout
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Sat, Oct 28 - 02:00 PM
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Puget Sound Beaches near Southworth Ferry Terminal
11700 SE Sedgwick Rd
Updated details as of 10/23: I'm working on finding a spot to meet up and leave cars so we can carpool on the ferry. If you'd like to just head over yourself we can meet near the ferry terminal around 11. We can start fishing near the ferry terminal first to make it an easy place to meet, and then go to Harper and up to Manchester State Park if we have time (bring your Discover Pass). The tide starts going out around 11 and will hit high tide around 5. There's a ferry back at 5:05 or 6:45 so we can decide if we want to grab food/drinks and take the later ferry.
Mark your calendars and join us in seeking sea run cutthroat trout. We'll be fishing various beaches starting from the Southworth Ferry terminal. Details about our starting location will be provided once you register for the event. We'll likely start at 9:00 am, but will check tides as we get closer, so watch for changes.
Mark your calendars and join us in seeking sea run cutthroat trout. We'll be fishing various beaches starting from the Southworth Ferry terminal. Details about our starting location will be provided once you register for the event. We'll likely start at 9:00 am, but will check tides as we get closer, so watch for changes.
6 wt rod with either a floating or intermediate sink line is the preferred rod. But a 5 wt or 7 wt will do. Let us know if you need gear - we have extras to loan.
Stripping basket if you have one
Flies (from Gig Harbor Fly Shop - see video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBzco9NsA5I):
Stripping basket if you have one
Rio's Precious Metal
Simi Seal Shrimp
Simple Sculpin
Rio's Just Keep Swimmin'
Simple Gurgler
Miawaki Popper
And this from The Oregon Fly Fishing Blog:
"A variety of small bonefish and permit flies work well in the lowermost reaches of our estuaries, and very small natural colored clousers (brown and orange for example) or chartreuse and white with a hint of blue in the back are excellent tidewater Blueback flies. Very small Gurglers and poppers work well at times, as do muddlers. The Muddlers can be fished wet with cone heads to imitate sculpins or on the surface and deserve a place in your box. Any orange or tannish shrimp fly like the Horner’s Shrimp is a good estuary fly for Sea-runs." Read the whole blog post about fishing for searun cutthroat here: http://oregonflyfishingblog.com/2015/06/03/sea-run-cutthroat-tactics-for-estuary-fishing/
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