Kinnickinnic River Update
The history behind the Kinni, its current state and work to protect it, and the unknown future
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Wed, Jul 31 - 08:30 PM
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Steve Leonard (Executive Director Kinnickinnic River Land Trust) and Marty Engel (Former Senior fishery biologist for Wisconsin DNR, currently works for the Kinni Landtrust as the Land Stewardship Manager) will share the history behind the Kinni, its current state and work to protect it, but also the unknown future. Development and agriculture will always be a part of the Kinni story because of their influence on the watershed – both good and bad. The goal is to reach out to developers and farmers so they too can help protect the Kinni and other trout streams before we lose them to some future land use practice. A real possibility. "I don’t have the answers but it is our vision to work as a greater community to protect the Kinni, to create a model, to help protect all these cold water streams in the region"
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