Introduction to Fly Fishing and Cold Water Conservation
Introduction to fly fishing and cold water conservation!
Join us on November 5, 2022 for a robust intro to fly fishing and conservation of the waters trout and salmon live in. The class is sponsored by the Washington Council of Trout Unlimited, Diversity and Equity program.
Taught by J Michelle Swope, owner of Oly Women on the Fly Guide Service, will be presenting Fly Fishing 101. Topics to be covered include introduction to fly fishing equipment; how to assemble the equipment; basic knots; flies; and basic casting. Additionally, you’ll get an introduction to cold water conservation and the work Trout Unlimited is doing to preserve habitat for iconic salmon and trout.
No gear? No problem. Trout Unlimited will have all the gear you need for the class available to borrow.
When and where:
The class will be from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at Tukwila Community Center, 12424 42nd Ave S, Tukwila, WA 98168. Snacks and a light lunch and water will be supplied.
The cost: Suggested class fee is $50; pay what you can.
We are reserving 90% of the space in the class for those from the women’s and LGBTQIA community. Space is limited so register soon. We
are striving to make this an inclusive and accessible event that enables all individuals to participate.
Getting there:
Metro buses serve the community center. Find how to get to Tukwila by bus or light rail at https://moovitapp.com/index/en/public_transit-42nd_Ave_S-Seattle_Tacoma_Bellevue_WA-site_84616631-522.
Parking is free.