Foster the Outdoors--Mentor Matchup
Mentor a Youth 1:1 this summer by taking them fishing!
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Sat, May 21 - 02:00 PM
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Foster the Outdoors is the brainchild of Tim Hemstad who founded the program back in 2017. Learn more here. The concept is very simple, pair up a youth and their adult guardian with a volunteer mentor, who introduces them to the world of fly fishing and the outdoors. Fellow TCTU members, this is where you come in! We need mentors for the 2022-2023 program. All that’s required is just a little knowledge of fly fishing and a desire to help a young person grow in their own knowledge and outdoor experiences. You don’t need to be an “expert” at all. This isn’t rocket science, but it can be magical.
The program kicks off every year with a mentor matchup event. Even if you can’t commit to being a mentor, we can always use help at this event and you’ll get to see firsthand the impact of this program. Please reach out to Kevin Wier or Rich Femling via the contact information below with any questions. Thanks in advance for helping introduce a young person to fly fishing and the outdoors!
Foster the Outdoors Co-Coordinators
Kevin Wier 612-867-5768
Rich Femling 763-807-5878
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