FFA Ag Day
Teach Future Farmers about Trout Fishing and Stream Ecology
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Fri, Apr 14 - 11:00 AM
Sold Out
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The Goodhue Future Farmers of America is sponsoring an Agriculture Day event for all elementary, middle, and high school students. Twin Cities TU has been invited to participate in this event, and this is a wonderful opportunity for our chapter to visit with students and members of the agriculture community in the Goodhue area, which holds the headwaters of Hay Creek. At this event, we will be leading a workshop for students rotating through fly casting, fly tying, and live aquatic insects. We are looking for volunteers to help with the fly tying and aquatic insect sessions! The workshop runs from 8:30-10:00.
Fee free to contact Amber Taylor, education@mntu.org, or Jim Sauter, jim.sauter@twincitiestu.org with questions.
Please register by Wednesday, April 12 at 5 pm so we can get an accurate headcount
Please register by Wednesday, April 12 at 5 pm so we can get an accurate headcount
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