Driftless Area Stream Restoration Symposium - Day 2
Driftless Symposium Presenters
2024 Day 2 Lineup on March 12
9:00 Opening Remarks
Sara Strassman - TU Driftless Area Restoration Effort
9:10 Towards a better understanding of Brook and Brown Trout Distributions in the Driftless Area
Jason Freund – University of Wisconsin – La Crosse
9:35 Gorman Creek Habitat Improvement and the Natural Channel Design Process
Matt Kempinger – Wabasha SWCD
Kevin Zytkovicz – Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
10:00 An Oral History of Fishing and Stream Restoration in Buffalo County Wisconsin
Tim Salway – Waumandee Rod and Gun Club
Todd Mau – Retired NRCS Conservationist
Peter Jonas – TU Driftless Area Restoration Effort
10:45 Temperature Rise Forms: Trout streams and restoration in a changing climate
Ben Sellers – University of Wisconsin - Madison
11:10 Flowing Forward: MNTU’s Recent Progress in the Improvement and Enhancement of Riparian Corridors and Coldwater Streams
in the Driftless Area of Southeastern Minnesota
Jennifer Biederman PhD – Minnesota TU
11:35 Slimy Sculpin (Cottus cognatus) Swimming Performance Declines on Embedded Gravel
Avery Lettenberger – UW-La Crosse
12:00 Closing Remarks & Upcoming Events: Sara Strassman
There's something incredibly special about the waters of the Driftless region, and it isn't just the density or quality of trout finning in the currents or the streamside grasses waving in the breeze.
More details on speakers and the schedule will be listed once it has been finalized.
To register for Day 1 of the symposium, click here