Driftless Area Stream Restoration Symposium - Day 1
Driftless Symposium Presenters
2024 Day 1 Lineup on March 11
9:00 Opening Remarks
Sara Strassman - TU Driftless Area Restoration Effort
9:10 Brook Trout Population Response to Mechanical Brown Trout Removal
Kasey Yallaly - Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
9:35 Evaluating Suitable Habitat for Brook Trout Within Sandstone and Dolostone Geologies in The Driftless Area of Wisconsin
Brandon Thill – University of Wisconsin—La Crosse
10:00 Combining infrastructure and habitat restoration to promote
community safety, healthy fisheries, and climate resiliency.
Chris Collier – Trout Unlimited Great Lakes Program
Kyle Magyera - Wisconsin Wetlands Association
10:45 Geology of Iowa Coldwater Streams
Matthew Graesch, P.G. - Iowa Department of Natural Resources
11:10 Streambank Erosion & Sediment Reduction in Southeast Minnesota
Dustan Hoffman – Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
11:35 Genetic tools to guide brook trout propagation and stocking
Jared Homola, PhD - USGS Wisconsin Cooperative Fishery Research Unit
12:00 Stihl Award Announcement & lunch with Sara, Paul & Peter
Open Discussion with TU Driftless Area program staff
To register for Day 2 of the symposium, click here
There's something incredibly special about the waters of the Driftless region, and it isn't just the density or quality of trout finning in the currents or the streamside grasses waving in the breeze.
*Note: All sessions will run concurrently on the same Zoom link and are Central time.