Conservation Advocacy 101 Workshop and Chapter General Meeting
Conservation Advocacy 101 Workshop
Interested in being a more effective advocate on issues that affect the places you love to live, fish, explore, and enjoy? Join professional advocacy staff from Trout Unlimited and other organizations for an introduction to grassroot tactics and tools you can use to conserve and protect your favorite outdoor pursuits in Pennsylvania and beyond. We will cover a host of topics for you to improve your advocacy skills and strengthen your ability to work with your elected officials and other decision makers on key conservation priorities.
After the workshop the Chapter will have a general membership meeting (open to the public) with speakers from local conservation organizations. The agenda for the day is as follows:
10:00 am Registration
10:30 am Conservation Advocacy Workshop
12:00 pm Lunch break on your own, please note that no food is allowed at the library
12:30 pm Brodhead Chapter Trout Unlimited #289 Meeting
Space is limited so pre-registration is required, you can register for the Conservation Advocacy Workshop, the General Meeting, or both.