APRIL Fly Tying
April Fly Tying
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Sun, Apr 23 - 04:00 PM
Sold Out
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This event is open to the public. Anyone is welcome to attend. Registration is required.
Join Spokane Women on the Fly on Sunday 4/23/23 as Liz Simpson leads the April Fly Tying event. Pattern is TBD. Fly tying packets and recipes will be provided. Bring your own vice and tools or sign-up to use one of the SWOTF equipment. Everyone is welcome!
Event registration is REQUIRED!
Event registration is REQUIRED!
REGISTER HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/april-2023-hackle-and-hops-fly-tying-tickets-432320721917
Please email spokanewomenonthefly@gmail.com with any questions or post in the Hackle & Hops event in our closed Facebook Group.
Location - Uprise Brewing Co, 617 N Ash St., Spokane, WA 99201 (upstairs in the mezzanine area).
Time - 2pm - 4pm
Hops - Uprise is one of the best new breweries in Spokane! Check out uprisebeer.com
Food - Uprise offers a tasty menu of appetizers and dinner options.
Cost - FREE (Donations gladly accepted to cover SWOTF costs)
Canceling - Please cancel through Eventbrite. We are limited on equipment so if you registered for a vice and tying tools, we greatly appreciate you cancel your ticket to give someone else an opportunity to come.
Equipment - SWOTF has 9 vices and tools. Please bring your own tying light and extension cord if you own one
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