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6th Annual Women's Mentor Retreat

Join us for a weekend of networking, learning, honing your own skills, and creating connections!
$30 - $280
insert_invitation Fri, May 16 at 2:00 PM (EDT) - Sun, May 18 at 1:00 PM (EDT)
location_on GodSpeed Events and Lodging, Port Matilda, Pennsylvania
local_activity One Person - 2 Nights - Bunkhouse
You're purchase includes: * overnight accommodations (2 nights) in bunkhouse * meals starting with dinner Friday night * all instruction and resources * door prizes
local_activity One Person - 2 Nights - On-site Tent Camping or Offsite Lodging
You're purchase includes: * meals starting with dinner Friday night * all instruction and resources * door prizes *PLEASE NOTE: This ticket option is for those who plan to tent camp on-site or stay offsite for the weekend.
local_activity One Person -Saturday Only - No Lodging
You're purchase includes: * Saturday meals * all instruction and resources * door prizes *PLEASE NOTE: This ticket option is for Saturday attendance ONLY and does not include lodging. You should only purchase this type of ticket if you are planning to attend just the Saturday events and are not staying overnight.
local_activity One person - 2 Nights - Cabana Lodging
NOTE - If you are staying in the cabana with another attending the event ($70/person), ONLY ONE of you need to register and pay, the other needs to send the following to adaniel@pa.gov (first, last, date of birth, email, cell, address, city, state, zip, race/ethnicity, who they are staying with, emergency contact and cell, if they have any food allergies, if they need any accommodations or have health concerns organizers should be aware of, and if they agree to assume all risks for this weekend event) You're purchase includes: * overnight accommodations (2 nights) in a cabana (private room) - each cabana has one double bed and one futon, so you can choose to stay alone or with a friend. * All meals starting with dinner Friday night * All instruction and resources * door prizes
local_activity 4 person group - 2 Nights - Group Suite with bunks
NOTE - If you are staying with 3 other participants, ONLY ONE of you need to register and pay, the other three need to send the following to adaniel@pa.gov (first, last, date of birth, email, cell, address, city, state, zip, race/ethnicity, and that they are staying with you in the Group Suite along with who they are staying with) You're purchase includes: * overnight accommodations (2 nights) in a group suite (private room for 4 people at 70/person) - has 2 full size bed bunks and one futon. * meals starting with dinner Friday night * all instruction and resources * door prizes
Visit Fundraiser Page
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Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
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Map of GodSpeed Events and Lodging
{{ directions }}
GodSpeed Events and Lodging
7897 S Eagle Valley Rd
Port Matilda, Pennsylvania 16870

The PA Council of Trout Unlimited Women, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, along with PA Fish and Boat Commission, and several women's organizations statewide are very excited to announce their 6th Annual Retreat!

The retreat focuses on women from local TU chapters/other organizations, interested in mentoring/helping other women or diverse audiences connect to the importance of healthy waters through conservation programs, and recreation opportunities (e.g. fishing, camping, paddling, etc). 

You do not need years of experience to be a mentor and help others learn to fish, fly fish, tie flies, or help with conservation projects.  We encourage women from all walks of life, and experiences to come and spend the weekend with us, networking, learning, and fishing!

The annual Women's Mentor Retreat provides an opportunity for female mentors from Trout Unlimited Chapters/other organizations, currently or interested in implementing women's programs to –

  • Network and continue to build mentorship and program strategies
  • Build and develop programs or project ideas
  • Learn from others implementing similar programs
  • Create a social support group to assist in implementing programs, projects, leadership opportunities within their own TU chapter/organization
Event Location Details
Event location is nestled in the mountains of northcentral Pennsylvania along the banks of Bald Eagle Creek in Port Matilda, PA. 
* Check out their webpage to see photos of the lodging and shower house 
* Check out their webpage to see photos of the location 

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Map of GodSpeed Events and Lodging
{{ directions }}
GodSpeed Events and Lodging
7897 S Eagle Valley Rd
Port Matilda, Pennsylvania 16870