TU Sylva Open House April 4
TU Sylva (a.k.a Tucksaeigee Chapter #373 of Trout Unlimited) invites everyone to come out and join us at East Laporte River Park on Tuesday, April 4 from 4pm to 8pm for a fun afternoon of kid friendly activities followed by a hamburger and hot dog cookout and with some sweet gear raffles. We are also announcing the start of the Clean Savannah Creek citizen science project which recently won a grant from Trout Unlimited National.
Starting about 4pm. Club members will host personal casting clinics, “ask a fisher”, demonstrate knots and tactics, advise where to go and anything fishing and stream conservation related. We welcome new comers or seasoned pros and everyone interested in fishing and our stream conservation project. We will have gear to borrow including waders.
Feel free to stop by for a little while anytime between 4-8pm. Dogs and burgers will be ready around 6pm.
We’ll raffle a bamboo rod, vests and packs. Bamboo rod drawing will be on the next meeting, May 4 not April 4.
Rain or shine—we're in the shelter.
If you plan to come and enjoy the cookout please click on this Eventgroove link to let us know and get more information. There is no charge for attending. You do not need to bring any tickets- please ignore those reminders.
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