Trout Unlimited Truckee Angling Access Volunteer Day
Are you looking for a good way to spend a weekend morning? Help
us improve the Truckee River corridor along Glenshire Road by joining Trout
Unlimited for an angler access event. We will be installing signs, building
trails, and making other enhancements.
All materials will be provided except for gloves, which we
ask you bring with you. Beverages and light snacks will be available.
When: 9 am – 12 pm, Saturday, September 25, 2021.
Where: Meet in the parking lot off of Glenshire Drive
located adjacent to Riverview Ct., approximately 1.4 miles from where Glenshire
Drive intersects with Truckee Way. (Image Below)
Who: Everyone is welcome.
Before the event begins, Trout Unlimited staff will discuss
several important safety procedures. All
participants will be asked to sign a Personal Injury Consent Form.
RSVP or Questions: Please contact Sam Sedillo at or (408) 718-9897,
or Becky Hansen at
Parking Location for Event!