Thames Valley Trout Unlimited Monthly Meeting
Presentation is: Mike Goodwin - 'Still Water Fishing'
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
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Tue, Oct 19 - 08:00 PM
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Thames Valley Trout Unlimited Monthly Meeting
5 Tyler drive
Former TVTU President, Mike Goodwin, will give a presentation on still water fishing techniques.
Meeting is at the Franklin CT firehouse - Google Map
Doors open at 6:00 PM for social hour and fly tying. Meeting starts at 7:00 PM.
This is a in person meeting and participants are asked to wear masks and practice common sense social distancing.
Meeting is at the Franklin CT firehouse - Google Map
Doors open at 6:00 PM for social hour and fly tying. Meeting starts at 7:00 PM.
This is a in person meeting and participants are asked to wear masks and practice common sense social distancing.
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