STREAM Girls 2.0 Events in Littleton, CO
Join Colorado Trout Unlimited (CTU) and Girls Scouts of Colorado for STREAM Girls and learn about your local watershed! CTU STREAM Girl Programs are an outdoor watershed experience that employs STEM education (science, technology, engineering, math) plus recreation and arts to explore a local stream. By visiting a local stream and having the opportunity to observe it as scientists, anglers, and artists, participants will get the complete picture of what their stream could mean to them.
STREAM Girls 2.0
STREAM Girls 2.0 is for girls who have already completed Colorado Trout Unlimited's STREAM Girls 1.0 program and/or who would like to strengthen their fly fishing skills and learn more about their local watershed! This half-day program is intended for girls in 4th grade or older. STREAM Girls 2.0 will build upon participants already learned casting skills and help foster confidence and growth through casting, knot-tying, reading the water, and fly fishing. It is highly recommended that you have already taken STREAM Girls 1.0 before enrolling in this event.
Cost & Cancelation Language and Policy
A suggested donation of $10 per participant is requested. Your donation helps keep our STREAM programs low-cost or free and enables us to continue offering STREAM programs across Colorado. Thank you.
Please showcase the Girl Scout Law by being considerate and respectful by guaranteeing you can attend. If you are not able to attend, please email natalie.flowers@tu.org directly to cancel your reservation.
Additional STREAM Girl Event Dates and Locations
We Need Your Help!
Want to volunteer at a STREAM Program? Click here to sign up as a volunteer or email Natalie Flowers for more information.