Stanley Cooper Sr. hosts PATU's Women, Diversity, Inclusion Presentation
Stanley Cooper Sr. Chapter is hosting Amidea Daniel and Kelly Williams to present on PATU’s WDI work
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Tue, Oct 12 - 09:00 PM
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The Zoom Meeting consist of a short Chapter meeting, followed by a presentation from our guest speakers - Amidea Daniel (PA Fish and Boat Commission; PA TU Women, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee Co-Chair) and Kelly Williams (Clearfield County Conservation District; PATU Regional VP; and PATU Women, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee Co-Chair).
Through their presentation, Amidea and Kelly, will introduce us to PATU’s Women, Diversity, and Inclusion work that has been occurring over the last 3.5+ years. They will share what other organizations/chapters are doing, ideas on how we can get started, and suggestions on how to sustain what we begin. Diversity covers many avenues from age, gender, social and economic backgrounds, to ethnic, and family backgrounds, and much more. Just as diversity is important for healthy stream ecosystems, so too is it important, for organizations like ours, in order to sustain the hard work, and dedication to the protection, conservation, and enhancement of the waters, and trout we love, and enjoy.
If interested, please email Amidea Daniel at adaniel@pa.gov for the zoom link.
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