Site Tour Visit - Heal the North Fork Event #2
Come out and join us to see some restoration practices that Trout Unlimited has implemented on both public and private land!
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Sat, Jun 17 - 03:00 PM
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Seneca Rocks Discovery Center - Back Lot
Highway 28/33
Seneca Rocks,
West Virginia
This series of 5 events is designed to give volunteers a taste of what different conservation efforts look like on a watershed-based scale. The event lineup includes a stream cleanup, tree planting, site tour visit, education day, and past project maintenance day. The second event will be a tour of restoration practices implemented by Trout Unlimited on both private and public land in the North Fork watershed. Transportation from meeting location and lunch will be provided. Please wear comfortable shoes and weather appropriate clothing as there will be some walking involved. Meeting location is in the back parking lot at the Seneca Discovery Center at 9 am.
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