Saranac River Coalition - Initial Call
Trout Unlimited’s Conservation staff in New York are excited to announce the formation of a localized Saranac River Coalition, supported in part by our partners at the Lake Champlain Basin Program. The goals of the Saranac River Coalition are centered around community events for education and conservation, and will expand collaboration with the next generation of fisheries students & wild salmonid enthusiasts at SUNY Plattsburgh. TU Staff will be employing seasonal interns from the student body at Plattsburgh to help expand our outreach and event coordination.
We’re putting together an initial Zoom call to collect folks who are interested in participating and leaving space for an open discourse on the needs of the watershed. TU staff members Jacob Letterman and Jesse Vadala will help lead the conversation and take a look ahead to the event & outreach missions we have laid out for 2025.
This discussion is open to all who are interested in supporting a healthy and free flowing Saranac River! Brief agenda and Zoom link below. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to email: Jesse.vadala@Tu.org
1/21 Saranac Watershed Coalition Call
Initial Formation
Zoom Link: https://troutunlimited.zoom.us/j/87374333901
Vision for the Saranac River Coalition
- LCBP Workforce Development Grant
- Align partner priorities and facilitate collaboration
- Internship pathways – facilitate local recruitment/retention
- LCB + ADK Stream Crossing Prioritization Working Group
TU’s Saranac River Priority Water Strategic Action Plan
- Overview of SAP
- Work on revisions through January 2025
Events for 2025!
- World Water Day: Sunday, March 22nd
- Saranac Salmon Social: Date TBD (follow-up to WWD?)
- Riparian Planting(s)?
- Summer Trash Cleanup: early September when students return
- State of the Saranac: late October/early November
Next Meeting – February 18 @ 4pm