Rick Takahashi - June 2024 CCTU Meeting
Rick Takahashi will talk Midge Fly Fishing and also demonstrate tying flies
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Tue, Jun 18 - 07:30 PM
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Rick Takahashi is an Umpqua fly designer loves to tie and design fly patterns for the waters that he fishes. Rick has been tying flies since the age of eight years of age. He is a demonstration fly tier and has tied at local and regional venues and shows. Rick has presented programs on Midge Fly Fishing and Fly Fishing Terrestrials, and has been an illustrator and contributor to Fly Fisherman Magazine. Rick’s fly patterns have appeared in numerous books and publications. Rick's other interests when not tying flies or trying to catch fish, are creating art, cooking and enjoying his friends.
Rick has authored 3 books:
•Modern Midges: Tying and Fishing the World’s Most Effective Patterns
•Modern Terrestrials: Tying and Fishing the World’s Most Effective Patterns
•The Fly Tying Artist: Creative Patterns for Common Hatches
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