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Restore Bear Creek with CCTU and Jeffco at Lair O' the Bear

Restore Bear Creek Riparian and Wildlife Habitat
insert_invitation Mon, Jul 22, 2024 8:30 AM (MDT)
location_on Lair O' the Bear Trailhead, Ideledale, Colorado
Visit Fundraiser Page
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Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
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Map of Lair O' the Bear Trailhead
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Lair O' the Bear Trailhead
22550 State Highway 74
Ideledale, Colorado 80453
To Volunteer, Register at Offero: Volunteer Assignment (jeffco.us)

Join Cutthroat Chapter of Trout Unlimited and Jefferson County Open Space Trail Restoration personnel to improve fishing habitat at Lair O' the Bear.

The goal is to improve fishing access throughout the property while minimizing soil loss and impacts to sensitive riparian habitats. This includes formalizing access to the creek due to numerous unauthorized trails along the corridor, which are causing significant soil erosion, trail damage, and habitat loss.

Jeffco's current plan involves improving and formalizing many of these access points by adding steps to the creek, while closing and restoring areas with higher natural resource value, such as riparian zones with high species diversity. This approach will provide legitimate fishing access points, reducing the need for anglers to use unauthorized trails. While some areas may be further from access points, we encourage anglers to move within the stream channel rather than creating new trails.

Improve Stream Quality for Trout at Bear Creek
Restore Bear Creek Riparian and Wildlife Habitat

Address Erosion through Trail Improvement

West Denver Chapter of TU may also be participating.
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Map of Lair O' the Bear Trailhead
{{ directions }}
Lair O' the Bear Trailhead
22550 State Highway 74
Ideledale, Colorado 80453