November Chapter Gathering: Are Tires TOXIC to Trout?! New Research Raises Alarms
Join us at Waveny House for our Monthly Chapter Gathering and an important discussion on stream health.
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Tue, Nov 08 - 09:00 PM
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Are chemicals from tires killing trout in our local rivers?
New research studying the runoff of tire chemicals and particles in rivers (and repeated in the lab) has shown that brook trout and rainbow trout - along with other fish are dying when exposed to 6PPD-quinone, a compound created when the tire antioxidant 6PPD reacts with the ozone as it washes into streams from roadways. Read the full research report.
Chapter member Bob Popham will present on this unlikely culprit present in nearly all our rivers and streams that is causing fish mortality. This discovery is likely to have big implications for trout and salmon conservation, and presents us with a challenge facing salmonid populations everywhere - even in our own backyard. Stop by to find out more and how we can help!
The Mianus Chapter of Trout Unlimited welcomes everyone to the Waveny Mansion in New Canaan for our monthly chapter gathering! These meetings are free and open to all whether you're a member or not! - Feel free to bring friends, colleagues, and family members.
Doors open at 6 p.m. with food, refreshments, and networking. Presentations typically start at around 7:00 p.m. following brief remarks and updates from the chapter. These events are a great opportunity to meet fellow anglers and conservationists, as well as learn a thing or two about local fishing opportunities and exciting projects we're working on!
Robert Popham has a BA from Harvard and a PhD from the University of Arizona, both in astrophysics, and has published research in top journals including Nature. He has been an avid fly fisherman for the past dozen years and is a member of the Mianus Chapter of Trout Unlimited. He has a longstanding interest in environmental issues, with a special interest in using science to solve environmental problems. He lives in Old Greenwich, CT with his wife and has two grown children.
New research studying the runoff of tire chemicals and particles in rivers (and repeated in the lab) has shown that brook trout and rainbow trout - along with other fish are dying when exposed to 6PPD-quinone, a compound created when the tire antioxidant 6PPD reacts with the ozone as it washes into streams from roadways. Read the full research report.
Chapter member Bob Popham will present on this unlikely culprit present in nearly all our rivers and streams that is causing fish mortality. This discovery is likely to have big implications for trout and salmon conservation, and presents us with a challenge facing salmonid populations everywhere - even in our own backyard. Stop by to find out more and how we can help!
The Mianus Chapter of Trout Unlimited welcomes everyone to the Waveny Mansion in New Canaan for our monthly chapter gathering! These meetings are free and open to all whether you're a member or not! - Feel free to bring friends, colleagues, and family members.
Doors open at 6 p.m. with food, refreshments, and networking. Presentations typically start at around 7:00 p.m. following brief remarks and updates from the chapter. These events are a great opportunity to meet fellow anglers and conservationists, as well as learn a thing or two about local fishing opportunities and exciting projects we're working on!
Robert Popham has a BA from Harvard and a PhD from the University of Arizona, both in astrophysics, and has published research in top journals including Nature. He has been an avid fly fisherman for the past dozen years and is a member of the Mianus Chapter of Trout Unlimited. He has a longstanding interest in environmental issues, with a special interest in using science to solve environmental problems. He lives in Old Greenwich, CT with his wife and has two grown children.
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