Little River Chapter - Monthly Social Event and Speakers
The March Chapter Meeting will include a feature presentation from local guides Ian and Charity Rutter of R & R Fly Fishing. The Rutters are longtime supporters of LRCTU through contributions to our on-line auction as well as participation in numerous LRCTU projects such as Trout in the Classroom and conservation efforts with GSMNP Fisheries.
A brief Annual Chapter Business Meeting will be held after the Rutter’s presentation and is limited to election of officers and board members and a financial summary. The point is, do not avoid the Chapter meeting because of the word “business.”
Social hour starts at 6:00, program starts at 7:00, business meeting follows.
Ordering from the menu will be in the meeting room from 6:00 to 6:30. After 6:30 you will need to order any food at the bar. Adult beverages must be ordered and paid at the bar.