Learn About Fly-Fishing New Zealand - Distant Waters Q&A With Owner Kevin Wigfield
With Distant Waters Angling New Zealand
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Thu, Nov 17 - 08:00 PM
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Colorado Trout Unlimited is excited to announce a question and answer session with Distant Waters Angling Adventures in New Zealand owner Kevin Wigfield on Thursday, November 17th at 7pm MT. This session will be held via Zoom, and you can find the call information below. One lucky attendee will win an Orvis fly rod!
Join the meeting and learn more about fishing in New Zealand! Distant Waters is still offering a special rate of $5,999 and donating part of the proceeds to Colorado Trout Unlimited.
Topic: Distant Waters Angling Adventures in New Zealand
Time: Nov 17, 2022 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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