How to Apply for an Embrace A Stream Grant
Since 1975, TU’s Embrace A Stream (EAS) grant program has awarded more than $4.9 million in funding to over 1,150 local conservation, science and education projects.
Led by an all-volunteer committee of TU leaders like you, this is the best way for your chapter to develop the skills of writing grants while being supported throughout the process. Grants of up to $10,000 are available and each year approximately $100,000 in funding is available.
For chapters interested in an EAS grant, a special online training will be held March 14.
Additional dates and deadline to be aware of include:
• March 14: Online Training “How to Apply for an Embrace A Stream Grant”
• May 15: Deadline for chapters to advise local EAS rep on intent to apply
• June 15: Deadline to submit draft application to local EAS rep for review
• August 15: Deadline for submission of final grant application online
• Week of September 23: EAS Committee meeting and vote on grant awards
Full details, grant information and training registration online at www.tu.org/eas.