Hammonasset Chapter Regular Monthly Meeting
Join us for a fun evening of conversations and networking
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Thu, Apr 13 - 08:00 PM
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Our speaker for the April regular Chapter meeting is Captain Mark Dysinger who will provide a presentation on "Sight Fishing for Striped Bass.". Captain Mark Dysinger has fished the New England salt most of his life. Although he is skilled in many angling methods, he is most accomplished with the fly rod. He specializes in the northeast slam of striped bass, bluefish, and false albacore. Although he guides in Long Island Sound and its surrounding waters, he is also passionate about freshwater fishing and is a recognized authority on flyfishing for northern pike.
The Hammonasset Chapter meets each month from September through May at the Quinnipiac River Watershed Association building at 540 Oregon Road in Meriden. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month. The doors open at 6:15pm. The monthly programs start at 7pm sharp. Each meeting features special programming related to fly fishing in and around Connecticut. Sometimes guides share knowledge of local rivers and at other times state officials will come speak about hatchery, conservation or other water & fly fishing related themes. In addition we talk about current fishing conditions, hold a raffle and of course socialize. Directions to the QRWA Headquarters
Mark has fished extensively across North America, and his works have appeared in numerous print and online publications. He has been a featured innovative fly tyer for Eastern Flyfishing Magazine, and his Bunny split fly (aka Musky Bunny Twin Tail) is included in the "deadly dozen" musky patterns in Rob Tomes' Musky on the Fly. In 2018, he was recruited as an ambassador to the American Museum of Fly Fishing, whose mission is to provide stewardship of the history, traditions, and practices of the sport while promoting conservation of its waters. Mark is a regular fixture at the northeast winter fly fishing shows, where he demonstrates fly tying techniques and shares angling insights and strategies.
Striped bass live in a wide variety of habitats...finding the fish in those places is the key to catching them. This presentation emphasizes a practical approach to locating bass in various water types based on tide, forage, and season. Finding the fish is usually the hard part; catching them after confirming their presence can be relatively easy.The Hammonasset Chapter meets each month from September through May at the Quinnipiac River Watershed Association building at 540 Oregon Road in Meriden. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month. The doors open at 6:15pm. The monthly programs start at 7pm sharp. Each meeting features special programming related to fly fishing in and around Connecticut. Sometimes guides share knowledge of local rivers and at other times state officials will come speak about hatchery, conservation or other water & fly fishing related themes. In addition we talk about current fishing conditions, hold a raffle and of course socialize. Directions to the QRWA Headquarters
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