Hacklebarney Trout Unlimited 50th Year Celebration
Come to our 50th year celebration and meet Chris Wood, President & Chief Executive Officer of Trout Unlimited. Chris has worked at TU for 22 years. He will speak about why Trout Unlimited is so important today, and other things. We also expect Marsha Benovengo, TU State Council Chair to be in attendance, along with many of our past chapter presidents and officers.
This is a guaranteed fun event! Many return year after year with spouses, children, and friends. There will be lots of opportunities to win great prizes. This our only major opportunity to raise funds for such programs as conservation projects, trout in the classroom, in-stream remediation, tree planting, youth education, veterans & first responder programs.
The banquet will be held in the Hunt Room at The Olde Mill Inn, 225 Route 202, Basking Ridge, NJ on Sunday, March 2nd, 4-8PM.