Hacklebarney Chapter, Trout Unlimited 34th Annual Conservation Banquet
You are invited to attend our Annual Conservation Banquet and Fundraiser. This is a guaranteed fun event! Many return year after year with spouses, children, and friends. This our only major opportunity to raise funds for such programs as conservation projects, trout in the classroom, in-stream remediation, tree planting, youth education, veterans & first responder programs.
Trout Unlimited's mission is to bring together diverse interests to care for and recover rivers and streams so our children can experience the joy of wild and native trout and salmon. Our plans for this year include working with local municipalities, as well as the Raritan, Passaic, Whippany, Rockaway, and Musconetcong River conservation groups. We are also working with TU’s NJ designated conservation coordinator.
tive trout and salmon.