GBTU Embrace A Stream Project - Sign Up
We have a number of volunteer opportunities for a variety of time/length commitments and levels of physical activity:
Water Quality monitors - getting in the water, collecting data either on their phone via app and on a specialty data shuttle, 6 times a year
Stream surveyor - collecting baseline imagery of the stream with a thermal camera, assessing habitat, 1 hour, 3 times a year
Rainy Weather Surveyor - collecting storm event imagery with thermal camera, ~30 minutes 2+ times a year, but probably best for nearby residents
Macroinvertebrate collectors - getting in the water, netting insects in the stream and consolidating bugs to jars with ethanol, once a year for an hour
Macroinvertebrate sorters - picking bugs out of stream detritus at home, storing in smaller jars, identifying with a microscope, probably about 10 hours over the year