Eagle Creek Beaver Dam Removal
The Twin Cities Chapter of TU have conducted extensive work to protect and restore Eagle Creek, partnering with the DNR. This spring, we will conduct 3 volunteer events on Eagle Creek. The first event is a buckthorn cut on March 23rd. TCTU has already assisted with removing invasive vegetation from 4.5 acres along the creek, but we are just getting started!
The second event is this one, beaver dam removal on April 6th. Eagle Creek has a resident beaver population that is connected to the Minnesota River and neighboring wetlands. Beaver populations are culturally and historically important components to the biological community that contribute to maintaining diverse aquatic habitats. However, there are conflicting views concerning beaver dams on trout streams, both positive and negative views, which have short-term and long-term effects. Eagle Creek has a subset of dams, that are within two different Habitat Improvement project areas. Of these dams, four of eight were chosen for removal to balance the cultural and biological importance of maintaining beavers within the stream corridor, while protecting the investments and functionality of the projects that support this fishery.
The third and final event is on Earth Day, April 20th, when we will conduct a huge trash cleanup.
Here are some details on the beaver dam removal:
We will meet in the parking lot at 8675 Eagle Creek Parkway in Savage (just west of the bridge).
Most work will be hand removal of logs and debris, requiring wading.
Volunteers are advised to dress for the weather, and bring waders. There will be extra waders and safety glasses available if needed.
We are looking for somebody to tow the TCTU trailer! If you have a vehicle with a 2" ball capable of towing at least 3500 lbs, and you are willing to tow the trailer from Savage to Eagle Creek and back, please email steve.kaukola@twincitiestu.org
Please register at least 24 hours in advance so that we can get an accurate headcount.
If you have questions, email Steve Kaukola at steve.kaukola@twincitiestu.org