Culvert Designs- Free Online Collaborative Training w/ TU, NYSDEC, Cornell C.E., NEIWPCC, & More
Culvert Designs : Right Size Your Next Culvert
FREE Online Training for town and county highway departments
ZOOM LINK: https://troutunlimited.zoom.us/j/84302035468
Join us for an online workshop to discuss stream basics and how best to properly size your structures to ensure you are meeting permit requirements, protecting your infrastructure from future floods and providing aquatic passage. This is an ideal workshop for highway staff, town supervisors, and CAC (customer acquisition cost) members interested in better understanding how the hydraulic requirements for safe and resilient structures are often the same for adequate wildlife passage, and how replacement projects that seek to achieve multiple objectives expand the possibility of diverse funding opportunities.
Topics covered in this workshop will include:
- Stream dynamics at road stream crossings
- How to size your structures to meet permitting requirements, ensure aquatic passage and flood resiliency
- Best practices and opportunities to help support your town’s infrastructure.
ZOOM LINK: https://troutunlimited.zoom.us/j/84302035468
Event hosted by Trout Unlimited, in collaboration with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Cornell Cooperative Extension (Columbia-Greene), Rensselaer County Soil & Water Conservation District, and NEIWPCC.