Cape Cod Trout Unlimited Chapter: Quashnet River Restoration Session
For over 40 years, Trout Unlimited volunteers have been working on and restoring the Quashnet River. The river was once a “destination” trout stream for native brook trout. Unfortunately, the river was dammed and converted into cranberry bogs. The hard work to get the river flowing as it once did is paying off. Today, over 300 native brook trout inhabit the restored river.
Cape Cod Trout Unlimited and the work done on the Quashnet was recently recognized when the Mashpee Wildlife Refuge was selected as one of Trout Unlimited’s Thirty Great American Places.
Come on down and help with the restoration! Cape Cod Trout Unlimited members normally meet the third Sunday of the month from 9:00 a.m. until noon at the Martin Road Gate. Bring waders, work gloves, sunglasses/safety glasses and a big desire to give back to the sport we all love!
All workday cancellations (weather related or otherwise) will be posted here and on the Cape Cod Trout Unlimited website.
For questions and/or additional info:
Tim Lynch
tinylynch@comcast.net or 508-274-0936.