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Cape Cod Museum of Natural History - Nature's Night Fundraiser

Cape Cod Museum of Natural History (CCMNH) invites CCTU members and friends to this special event!
insert_invitation Thu, Dec 14, 2023 5:30 PM (EST)
location_on Ocean Edge Resort and Golf Club, Brewster, Massachusetts
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of Ocean Edge Resort and Golf Club
{{ directions }}
Ocean Edge Resort and Golf Club
2907 Main Street
Brewster, Massachusetts 02631
Cape Cod Museum of Natural History (CCMNH) invites CCTU members and friends to this special event!

Nature's Night Fundraiser

Join us at Ocean Edge Resort & Golf Club for dinner (cash bar), Nature's Ambassador's Awards and a presentation from Keynote Speaker, New York Times Best Selling Author of Cape Cod, William Martin. Funds to benefit the ecological restoration, bird banding, and education programs in the Stony Brook Sanctuary.

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{{ item.performanceName }}: {{ item.name }}
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{{ item.quantity }}


Map of Ocean Edge Resort and Golf Club
{{ directions }}
Ocean Edge Resort and Golf Club
2907 Main Street
Brewster, Massachusetts 02631