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2-Day Fishing Outing on the Swift and Deerfield Rivers

Wade the Swift with friends and Float the Deerfield with the Harrison Anglers, or one day of choice
$25 - $300
insert_invitation Fri, May 9 at 6:00 AM (EDT) - Sat, May 10 at 5:00 PM (EDT)
location_on Swift River Sportsmans Club, Belchertown, Massachusetts
local_activity Friday, May 9 Only - Fish the Swift River (Deposit)
Sales ended
Fishing and Lunch with the group, departing after fishing in the afternoon. Unable to stay for dinner.
local_activity Saturday, May 10 Only - Float the Deerfield River with Harrison Anglers (Deposit)
Sales ended
Meet at pre-determined spot on Deerfield River - Saturday, May 10 @ 8:30am - float with the Harrison Anglers.
local_activity Both Days - Fish the Swift with Friends and Float the Deerfield with Harrison Anglers (Deposit)
Sales ended
Meet Friday morning, fish the Swift River, stay overnight with cookout and bonfire (camping or hotel), and float the Deerfield River with the Harrion Anglers on Saturday.
Visit Fundraiser Page
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Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
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Map of Swift River Sportsmans Club
{{ directions }}
Swift River Sportsmans Club
30 Cold Spring Road
Belchertown, Massachusetts 01007
RITU member Paul Kasica is organizing a 2-Day Fishing Trip May 9th/10th to fish the Swift and the Deerfield Rivers. Check out agenda below.  The great thing about this outing is the flexibility if offers to accomodate personal choices.  Join us for one or both days, make your own overnight accommodations, etc.  Contact Paul (paulkasica96@gmail.com) or select Reservation to reserve a spot.
May 9th proposed agenda (subject to personal choice):
6:30am - depart from a predetermined spot in RI as a group
9am - noon - Fishing the Swift River (kayaks or boat can be accommodated)
noon - 3:00pm - lunch in Palmer / set up camp on Sportsman's Club property
3:00pm - sunset - Fishing the Swift
Sunset - Bonfire and cookout
Sleep - camp on Sportsman's Club property, or room at local Inn (personal choice).
May 10th proposed agenda (subject to personal choice):
7:00am - drive to Deerfield River - Northfield, MA area (pack up all gear, we will not return back to camping spot)
9:00am - 5:00pm - Float Deerfield River* with Harrison Brothers .  Limited to 10 persons/5 boats (preference to RITU members)
*weather conditions may require switch to Hoosic River
5:15pm - Depart for RI/grab dinner as a group
Additional Info:
Join us for one or both days
Friday night outdoor camping or stay at local Inn (make your own reservations)
Deposit required not later than March 26 Monthly Gathering
MA fishing license required... to obtain on line via RITU website MA Fishing License.
Estimated cost for 2-Day, including MA license, etc. - $550 (depending on personal choices)
Note:  weather conditions may require switching to Hoosic River for float on Saturday.
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Map of Swift River Sportsmans Club
{{ directions }}
Swift River Sportsmans Club
30 Cold Spring Road
Belchertown, Massachusetts 01007