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Teaching Youth Fly Tying

Stonefly Society - Youth Fly Tying
insert_invitation Tue, Aug 3, 2021 12:30 PM (MDT)
location_on Camp Williams National Guard station, Bluffdale, Utah

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Camp Williams National Guard station
Camp Williams National Guard station
Bluffdale, Utah 84065

We have a chance to teach some kids, at the Camp Williams National Guard station, how to tie Flies. This is a great opportunity to teach something to the younger generations and work with those who defend our country. 

We'd like 2 Volunteers for each day. You do not need to do both days if you volunteer. Supplies are provided but may it may be helpful to bring your own stuff to help demonstrate. Please contact Justin to volunteer or with questions 801-857-5816 or stoneflyut@gmail.com.

Class time is 12:30 to 2 PM those Tuesdays. 

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Camp Williams National Guard station
Camp Williams National Guard station
Bluffdale, Utah 84065