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Redd Identification and Spawning Survey Training

Field training day for identifying trout redds and using TU's Redd Survey to document spawning.
insert_invitation Sat, Nov 6, 2021 10:00 AM (EDT)
location_on Battenkill Watershed, Arlington, Vermont
Visit Fundraiser Page
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Battenkill Watershed
Recreation Park Rd
Arlington, Vermont 05250
Interested in contributing to TU's research and monitoring in the Battenkill watershed or another watershed of interest? Attend this in-person training day to make sure you're ready to contribute to TU's database of trout and salmon spawning data across the United States. We will build off this year's September 28th virtual training. If you can't tune in to the September 28th training, a recording will be made available, or you can view the 2020 online training any time.

The training will begin at 10am from a location TBD in the Battenkill Watershed. Site selection will be announced by October 31st, when we have a better picture of attendance (for parking). Please be sure to come prepared to wade, use the TU Redd Survey on your mobile phone (or printed data sheet), and wear something fluorescent to keep yourself visible to people driving or hunting.

Please reach out to Jacob.Fetterman@tu.org with any questions leading up to the event. A watershed-wide effort to survey the Battenkill will take place the following weekend (November 13th) and at volunteers' leisure throughout the spawning season.
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Battenkill Watershed
Recreation Park Rd
Arlington, Vermont 05250